The first class was "Polaroids". We cut matboard and covered it with scrapbook paper. Then we taped off watercolor paper with a little larger space covered at the bottom to resemble a polaroid picture. THEN came the face painting. LOL Again, I need work here. As Misty pointed out........people do not Have black lines running down the sides of their noses and around their eyes. LOL By the end of the 3 days, my faces were actually getting Better. I started getting the feel of Shading instead of outlining. That shows a little in the next project (I hope)
The next 2 days were a long & tall hanging book. I got some backgrounds done which I love. I got to practice again on a face but didn't get further on the page. I took a step on the wilder side with the redhead in the black jacket. This was a picture from a magazine that was painted over. I worked on the face but didn't get further on the rest of her body or collaging the rest of the page. I enjoyed this! I was intimidated by the size of the paper, but that went away quickly once we started working.
My final 2 days were a fabric journal class with DJ Pettit. I have wanted to take a class from her for Years and Finally was able to do that. :-) DJ is a Wonderful artist and teacher. Her journals are Absolutely Amazing. I Enjoyed this class Completely. Unfortunately, the images below on the front & back of my book were not done by me. ;-) These are DJ's images. Since I have loved her work for several years, I decided to use her images. A book done by me, dedicated to her. :-) I have not finished the front, back, Or any of the inside pages. But the pages are ready to start collaging and to sew into a book. Again.........I will Hope for the time to get to work on this! I have ordered a handmade book from DJ & can't Wait to own a piece of her artwork. I do have 2 Misty Mawn prints. Now hopefully a DJ book and I NEARLY bought an original painting. I am Still thinking about it. Where to put it is the question...........maybe I can find a perfect place for her. :-)
And here is my cover. I trully think I made some progress on her face. This again was an image from a magazine. The faces I try myself........I Get the theory, but they all look exactly the same! Practice, Practice, Practice! LOL I am very happy with this page. I want to do a bit more shading & blending, but probably won't add much more. I like her as she is. :-) I just hope I work more on the other background pages in the future! Misty is a Very Sweet, Talented artist. I would Highly Recommend taking classes from her. Even if you don't Want to work on faces, her background techniques are wonderful and some people in class did Not do faces. Some did animals or just collage over the backgrounds. I find myself feeling very peaceful in Misty's class. It's a nice feeling. :-)
My final 2 days were a fabric journal class with DJ Pettit. I have wanted to take a class from her for Years and Finally was able to do that. :-) DJ is a Wonderful artist and teacher. Her journals are Absolutely Amazing. I Enjoyed this class Completely. Unfortunately, the images below on the front & back of my book were not done by me. ;-) These are DJ's images. Since I have loved her work for several years, I decided to use her images. A book done by me, dedicated to her. :-) I have not finished the front, back, Or any of the inside pages. But the pages are ready to start collaging and to sew into a book. Again.........I will Hope for the time to get to work on this! I have ordered a handmade book from DJ & can't Wait to own a piece of her artwork. I do have 2 Misty Mawn prints. Now hopefully a DJ book and I NEARLY bought an original painting. I am Still thinking about it. Where to put it is the question...........maybe I can find a perfect place for her. :-)
And This, yet Again, is a duplicate picture! LOL Somehow I can get 2 of the same picture Into my blog, but without starting all over...................I can't seem to delete it. Someday I'll Also find the time to really figure out what I'm Doing with the blog! Meanwhile, I'll just call this "Back to square One". ;-)