First of all, the ship was HUGE. There were Many Many Many things to do and discover. And for anything that was Not included in the price of the cruise, we had our Sea Pass to use like a credit card. :-) One of the Few things I was Familiar with, Using a Credit Card! LOL This even bought me my new camera. :-)
There were 2 different pool areas, one for everyone including families & smokers, another for adults and non smoking. Both had jacuzzi's and bars and many, many people most of the time. We did swim several times and did get into the jacuzzi a couple of nights after meals & classes. Things I never did get to do were miniature golf, ping pong, the Exercise Room which as of day ONE was going to be a Huge part of our time on the ship! Seems Eating took up that time. LOL Hmmm, see a movie, ice skate, play basketball or climb the rock climbing wall (those 2 actually were Not on my list)..........
FOOD most Definately was a BIG part of the cruise. And presented Amazingly. I just loved these carved watermelons as we entered the Windjammer Cafe (the buffet). I lost my pictures of the dining room unfortunately. We ate only 3 meals there mostly due to the 2 hour time it took. However during 2 of those meals, we made friends with Table 300 and are looking forward to sailing with many of them again next October. :-) Stephanie, Andrea, Eileen, Sandra..........I think all have signed up as well as Bev and I. Also there was Barb and Barbara.........Hmmm. I need to get out my list. I have Forgotten again. :-(
This plate was just too funny to pass up. This was what April had for breakfast most Every morning. She Loved those rolls! And the Cookies. I never got a picture of Those.
And the Promenade. I was a little disappointed with the shops here. I thought there would be more general items for sale. Mostly they were bars and selling alcohol. Which I Love. No problem There. LOL But I left my book at home and had hoped to be able to pick up a book to read. They Did have a "library" but I didn't actually end up with time to read anyway. There wasn't really a general store with magazines, etc. that one might have expected. But it was fun to walk through every once & awhile, just to see what was going on.
And of course, get a Tattoo. LOL
We had a balcony room on level 8 which was Wonderful. I talked Bev into calling her husband after we heard about the Tropical Storm we were either going Around or Through. It Felt like we went Through it. I found it actually quite Fun. Seasickness didn't seem to hit me. Although I Did take pills the first few days. Then stopped since I kind of Liked the feel of the ship tossing about. I Did keep up a bit with my email onboard. But I didn't make many calls due to the Cost! I kept my phone off. There was an internet cafe not far from our cabin so I checked in pretty much every day & let Dave (my husband) know we were fine in the storm & our change of port plans. One thing I had Imagined WAS..........having a glass of wine on our balcony in the early evening before dinner. Kind of what I do at Home, but without a balcony Or a Ship! LOL But NO..........That was one of the Hardest things I ever had to try to figure out! I bought a wine package with a bottle of wine for each night for Bev & I (although I found, Bev doesn't drink much..........I had to have it all for myself. LOL). But it was a GAME trying to get that bottle of wine to the cabin! They wanted to bring it at dinner only. They would Not bring it to the room. I Could however, have a glass with dinner, then drag an Open bottle back to my room. Quite elegant. ;-) I did do that a couple of times, but mostly ended up Enjoying Sharing wine with our table. In order to have my wine ON our Balcony, I ended up just going down & getting a glass at one of the Numerous bars before dinner. It just seemed the balcony was made for that. :-)
We Did go in & play Bingo once. That was Fun, other than the most Irritating MC. LOL I can see why they might want someone to lead it and have some personality, but they should have asked Tim! He would have given the whole thing Class. This unfortunate guy...........gave it quite the opposite. LOL But we had fun playing. Didn't win, but had fun. :-) Oh & This is Bev & April.
And Wooo Hoooo.........Air Hockey!!!! We even hit the teen agers room & played some games! April & I got into a couple of pretty Good games! We left it at 1 to 1. We need a Playoff sometime in the future! Another night we also went to the Game Room & played a game called "Apples to Apples" which also was much Fun. Lots & Lots of things to do!

And Bev, rocked the Air Guitar and..............I'm not sure What the other machine is. They had lots of games in the arcade room. :-)
And of Course.............
Classes with Tim & Wendy! This is me, Jacqui and Chris with Tim. I have known Jacqui and Chris for several years now on a mutual art swap yahoo group. What Fun it was to get to meet them along with Loretta, Carol & Lai Sie (I should Check the spelling here, but if I leave a blog post, I seem to loose it, so my apologies if I have misspelled names here). Next post, Puerta Vallarta.